Monday, January 13, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/13/14

"When God answers a prayer ....... pray another one!"

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/12/14

"Sunday, Walmart, Noon and Me ..... one of these things just didn't belong there!"

Queen Quotes 1/12/14

"Abraham and Lot were BOTH righteous men"

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way ......

The best stories I tell in my life ALL begin with the phrase, "what had happened was". I learned that little tidbit some years ago. I never planned it, it just happened that way. This week has been no different. I was on task ... getting my posts written ... I had determined that this year, beginning on 1/1, I was going to write a post on here everyday. I was on course for the first week, and, then, it happened. And ....... what had happened was .....

I believe I posted this some years ago, but, it warrants repeating. When I was kid, there used to be these pop up carnivals that traveled throughout the eastern part of the country. You know the ones .... here today, gone tomorrow. Well, along with the carnival part of these traveling wonders, there were "freak shows". I don't mean that negatively. It's what they were called. They covered the area of land just outside the actual entrance to the carnival. If you were so inclined, you could see a bearded lady, a tall man, a two headed boy, or a dog faced boy, or whatever other freakiness they offered .... all for a nominal fee, of course. I'm not exactly sure what the intended purpose behind this particular aspect of the carnival was designed for, but, as an adult, the purpose of this aspect has taken on an entirely knew role in life. It occurs to me at this point, freak shows exist as a distraction to your intended path and destination. If you spend all of your resources on the freak shows, you have nothing left to enter into the actual event you are headed towards.

In my walk with the Lord, these freak shows pop up as unsuspectingly and disappear as quickly as the road side carnivals from my youth. And .... they have all the bells and whistles, shiny lights and sickly sweet smells of the carnivals I remember. I am standing on some exceedingly great and precious promises from the Lord. I am working out my own salvation, and I am steps closer to being completely led by the Holy Spirit. That is my carnival destination ..... to fully be the child of God, He sent me down here to be in 1966. Everything I do. Everything I say is based entirely and solely on my relationship to Him and with Him. I don't pay any attention to anything that doesn't have a direct impact on that relationship with Him. This week, however .... FREAK SHOWS!!!!!! Two of them, out of nowhere, specifically because of my walk with Him.

The first one .... which does NOT warrant discussion .... directly affected my children. I can say with most certainty .... NOTHING on this Earth stirs a reaction from me quicker than someone, especially another adult, making decisions that will directly affect my boys in a negative manner. I have never stood for it, and, even though they are both teenagers in High School, I still will NOT stand for it. I am learning that in the same manner that our heavenly Father parents me ..... I parent the boys He has entrusted to me. The degree of selfishness, the indescribable abuse of authority and over inflated opinion of self worth that caused this circumstance to be completely out of control by the time it came to my attention is incredible! The anger it stirred in me gave cause for me to exercise my vocabulary of silence for two days .... lest I would have spent the exact same amount of incredible in repentance! FREAK SHOW!

Second one .... selfishness and a blazing lack of personal respect. When I was growing up, anytime one of the siblings got in trouble, my dad punished everybody. In a most un-welcomed and completely blind sided way, I am reminded exactly how that felt. Daddy turned 78 yesterday, and, like I do, I called to talk for a few minutes and see how he was and how his day was going and happy, happy, joy, joy for another year. What I got was the Reader's Digest version of his dissertation of disapproval on every decision I have made in my life that he doesn't agree with and will not accept or tolerate .... namely being in an interracial marriage. Although I appreciate his laboring effort to be civil in his words ..... I don't appreciate having to hear any of it at all. I call to say happy birthday, and, in turn, get shredded because he's angry with a sibling. How's that they say about "no good deed"... Long story short! FREAK SHOW! Happy Birthday, anyhow, Daddy! I love you!

Back to number one ..... the entirety of this spectacle should have been over today. Alas .... not so. There is a social event tomorrow, where my presence is required, at which all of the players involved in the freak show will be present. It is my intent, in earnest, to again exercise my vocabulary of silence, smile and wave ..... and then escape back to the safety of my home. 314 million people in this country, and it never ceases to amaze me that anybody can still have a mindset that everything is about them!!!!

I am staying the course, by passing the freak shows! All of my resources have a vision, a goal and a determined destination .... that's where you'll find me!

Corn dog in one hand, cotton candy in the other ......

At the Carnival,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/8/14

"There is no shame in making a mistake. The shame is when you recognize the mistake and do nothing to correct it".

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/7/14

"Far too soon does the glamour of Barnes and Noble, become the disheveled heap on a local Thrift Store shelf for many a published work".


So my new adventure begins today.

I have been feeling the urge to get all crafty here as of late, and, in addition to the paracord(survival) bracelets I learned to make last week, I have been looking at alot of DIY tutorials on how to make those really cool stack bracelets I keep seeing everywhere.

Well, today, going in an entirely different direction, I am teaching myself how to make pendants for neck-laces! I had read a ton of tutorials on pinterest over the past months using glass bezels, modge podge and decorative paper, and that was my thought going to Hobby Lobby today. Only .... I couldn't find the sealer I was looking for and had to upgrade my novice skills to using Ice Resin. As a result, I went with the silver shadow box bezels to make the project easier first time out.

WOW! Did you know you resin ANYTHING? If it fits in the bezel, you can resin and seal it in! What Fun!!!!! I found this happy little red heart (in a pack) that contrasted perfectly with the black paper, a charm dangle that will attach to the black leather cord and hang in front of this center piece. I like it alot! And, it turned out much nicer in reality than I had imagined in my head.

It's always exciting to try new things. It's even better when they come out as nicely as you hoped!

Today's craft was a victory, and the first of many to come.

Kalena Smiling

Monday, January 6, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/6/14

"I do not know God the way Jesus does. I do not know Jesus the way John does. I must need correct this".

Three King's Day

Some time ago, in my Spiritual walk, I learned, that even though it makes for a complete Nativity, there is no scriptural evidence that the Wisemen where actually in Bethlehem the night the Lord was born. As a matter of truth, there is no evidence that there were only three of them either. Tradition has held there were three because of the three gifts mentioned in the story, yet Psalms 72 suggests more. Tradition also holds, in the Catholic Church, that there was a period of twelve days between the birth in Bethlehem and the arrival of the kings. Today is recognized within that arm of the Christian faith as Three King's Day, to remember their journey eastward and arrival to see the Lord and present Him with frankincense, gold and myrrh. As such, my family recognizes and celebrates this moment in Biblical History.

Now, we are not of the Catholic denomination. We don't hold to Christ actually being born on December 25th, so we don't recognize January 6th as the "actual"date the kings/wisemen arrived. What we recognize is His birth and the visitation by the guests from the west and their presentation of the three gifts.

The boys both have a small wooden chest I bought some years ago at Michaels and today they both receive three addition gifts to finish the Christmas season. They are usually better quality gifts than they received twelve days ago, but they ALL THREE must fit inside the wooden chest. There are no written guidelines for how to celebrate today. That's just the way my husband and I agreed it would be when we began this aspect of our faith. The way I see it ..... it's another moment to 1. Recognize and celebrate the life of our Lord 2. Teach the boys what the Bible actually says 3. Bless and gift our kids. Although, I don't need an organized reason to do any of these things. Today is fun!

Next season, it is my goal to add in the bonus of exchanging small gifts everyday between my husband and I for the twelve days leading up to Three King's Day. We haven't been financially able to add that in yet, but we will.

Happy Three King's Day!

Walking through the Bible,


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/4/14

You will recognize the behaviors you need to change in yourself, when you don't like seeing them manifest in your children.

Dear Daddy

I'm a Daddy's girl.

I always have been. I was born that way, and, to this day, this truth remains. Knowing I classify most things that happen on this earth as fact, not truth, because facts change and truth doesn't .... I have written this fact about my character as truth, because it will never change. I'm a Daddy's girl. Don't misunderstand that to mean I don't love my mom, or I love her less than my dad; because, that's not the case. Not even close. There is just something in my heart, something deeper and different for my dad.

The crazy part of this is I remember the exact moment my dad became my hero. We were living in Elkins, West Virginia. I was in second grade, and there was this boy that was bullying me where we lived. My dad happened to be home on the day I came home crying because of it, and, when he learned what was going on, my dad - this grown man, came out of our trailer; and, as the bully rode past on his bicycle, my dad picked up rocks and threw them at the boy's bike. Now ... should he have? No, but he did; and, in that moment, Daddy was my hero. I have never forgotten that moment. I will never forget that moment. In part, because, right then, no matter what happened in life, my dad protected me, stood up for me and made me feel like the safest girl in the world. However, also in part because it's truly the ONLY time in my life I remember my dad standing up for me in unconditional love for no reason other than I was his daughter. The years that followed that moment were filled with ugliness, hopelessness, helplessness and constant disappointment which came to an apex in the summer of 1985.

My parents, i.e. Dad, didn't put much emphasis on going to college after graduating high school. The expectation was to get a job and earn your keep. Regardless of what my desires might have been, this is something I became painfully aware of when my older sister went through the process a couple of years before me. I knew going into my senior year of high school there was no need to worry myself over delusions of going to school anywhere past my high school diploma. So .... here's what I did.

There was an at home study course that was available at that time to learn to become a flight attendant. It was a business college out of Miami, FL, where they sent you the study materials, with tests; and, you went through the course, and then went to the flight school in Miami for three months and went to work! It wasn't college, exactly, but it was a trade with guaranteed work upon completion. I spoke to my parents about it ... got the go ahead ... the deposit was paid ... I was on my way. My part was to make the grades necessary on the course material to go to Miami. Dad's part was to pay the remaining balance to go to Miami. I did my part. Dad didn't. The unbelievable thing is this ...... ALL THE WAY to midnight on the deadline date, I believed he was going to. He didn't.

I woke up the next morning totally defeated, totally broken and heart sick! Although I still love my dad absolutely unconditionally ...... that day changed everything, and was a major, if not THE, determining factor in why the next decade of my life went in the direction it did. So, today I sit, nearly 30 years later, still working through that mess, and here's why it matters:

The Bible tells us that Jesus came to reconcile the world unto God, and to teach us and show that God is our heavenly Father, that we can call on Him as Father. As a matter of truth, His is our Abba Father. Abba in the original Hebrew means Daddy. Well ... to me, growing up anytime someone referred to their dad as "Father"it almost always was in fear or in a smart aleck disrespectful kind of way. And, though I pray to Him as Father, it doesn't have the personal feel Jesus demonstrates it has when He says it. And ... horribly, calling God Daddy ..... causes on onslaught of unwelcomed emotions and images of the man residing in Alabama, and, if there is anything I do NOT want or need God to be, it's the man in Alabama. And, yet, God has shown me that, indeed, this has been the reason for my prayers not being answered, His Word not having any power in my life, His promises and the vision He has given me not manifesting in my life according to His Word. It's not because I lack faith. It's not because I don't believe. It's not because I don't know His Truth. It's not because my confession is wrong, or my heart is in the wrong place or because I'm praying and confessing amiss. It is because, all those years ago, disappointment and heartsickness took up root in my life and planted themselves so deeply that it has taken 29 years to uproot them and weed them out.

The issue was this ..... I believe God. My only struggle in life at this point is ..... I believe God. I believe every Word about Him in the Bible. I believe Him to do what He promised, yet, deep down, I was allowing an out for if He didn't do what He said. Somewhere deep down in my Spirit, I expected my heavenly Father to be just like my dad. So, if nothing happened, I had a life time of experience with Daddy to know how to adjust myself to deal with the disappointment. What I need is for my heavenly Father to be the hero who picks up rocks and protects me from the bullies. What I have been experiencing is the man who spoke exceedingly precious promises and left me heartsick.

I don't know yet how to separate the two, but I will. I pray, and I have asked the Lord to heal my heart and my memories. I have asked the Lord to put His personal Name for me in my mouth. Above, all else, I pray and ask God to be God and to manifest the glory of His Presence in my life. In truth, I need nothing more, and I will accept nothing less.

Steps Along the Way!


Friday, January 3, 2014

In With the New

So ... today has been a relatively quiet day. The boys had a snow day from school, and we spent the majority of the day with friends in "create"mode. Well, I was anyway, they played video games with their friends.

Tuesday night is the football banquet, and the other team Mom and I spent a good chunk of time today making paracord (survival) bracelets for the JV team, as end of the season gifts to go along with the "participation"certificate they get from the school. I had never done this before, so I was very excited; and was on a roll. They were much easier to put together than I thought, and I had a blast learning something new .... PLUS .... now I KNOW how to do it. I'm gonna be a paracord bracelet making loon until I get it out of my system. So much fun! And .... to my husband's shagrin .....

Hobby Lobby here I come!!!!!! Oh Glory!

I love crafting. Christmas ornaments are my favorite things to work on, and my family makes a new ornament every year. I'm a little behind on that this year, but our tree stays up until January 10 every season; so, I still have time to get them done. I'm thinking on making them with muffin pans and shrinky dinks or plastic crafting pellets -- easy peasy!

Today's lesson in learning and creating was very uplifting for me. School colors, red and black, with a medallion stamped with the school letters and players number. I was expecting it to ridiculously hard and to mess them up, but, as it turned out, I finished six in under four hours ..... not sure how fast or slow that is, but, this being my first go at it ..... I am jazzed! Now, I need to keep making them and learn some new and more advanced techniques.

So ... if everybody starts getting surprise packages in the mail from me ........ :)

In the New,


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/2/14

Winners battle for victory. Champions battle FROM victory!


It's amazing to me how such a small little word can turn your whole entire outlook around, but the word YET does just that. Simply by adding the word yet to the end of any thought, all negative aspects of a situation can be removed.

No matter what the situation is we're facing, ending the statement with the word YET adds hope filled expectation. Instead of saying I don't have any money, say I don't have any money YET! Instead of saying I don't understand this, say I don't understand this YET! Instead of saying I don't weigh 153 pounds (or whatever the goal is), say I don't weigh 153 pounds YET!

This is especially uplifting when we apply it to all things Spiritual. Instead of saying God hasn't answered my prayer, absolutely say God hasn't answered my prayer YET! This builds our faith that He will. Instead of saying God hasn't manifested His promise, most assuredly say God hasn't manifested His promise YET! Again, by adding YET to the statement it builds our faith that He will, increases hope and increases our belief in Him and His Word.

The devil is a beast at constantly pointing out what God didn't do or hasn't done for us. Instead of getting upset, feeling defeated, getting confused or arguing ..... just smile and say ..... not YET!

Yes YET,


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Queen Quotes 1/1/14

"I find it amazing that people are surprised when God's Word manifests Itself true. I'm surprised when It doesn't."

It's a Matter of Time

So, I've come to a place in my life where every moment in every day is guided and directed by the Word of God. I'm not sure if anyone else goes through the day like this, but here's how it works for me.

7:26 ..... Personal Promise

8:18 ..... You will remember the Lord your God, for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth to establish the covenant he made with my fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Deuteronomy)

8:28 ..... Everything the devil intends to use to hurt me, God will turn into something good for me. (Romans)

10:10 ..... Jesus came that I may have life and have it more abundantly. (John)

11:1 ..... Now faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews)

11:22 ..... Personal Encounter

11:40 .... Did I not say if you would only believe you would see the glory of God? (John)

1:42 ..... In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. (John)

1:53 ..... Personal Promise

3:02 .... I prosper and am in health as my soul prospers (3 John)

3:14 .... I am .... Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

When it rains or snows, I think of Isaiah 55:10 .... and the moments and the list go on and on throughout my days, nonstop. All day, everyday. I know no other way to be. I want no other way to be.

My Steps in Time,


Believing God

Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe HE IS, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

I love this verse. I love it because it is an entry verse to what Children of God consider to be the "Hall of Faith" chapter in the Bible. I love it, because it everyone mentioned in this chapter lived abundantly colorful lives, yet .... it is their faith in God that remained and is high-lighted for us to take note of, not their short comings and failures before God.

Settled on God is God. Jesus is Lord, and the Bible is Holy Spirit Truth .... I ask you:

Do you believe God?

When God says, "you are forgiven". Do you believe Him?

When God says, "you are my beloved". Do you believe Him?

When God says, "you are healed". Do you believe Him?

When God says, "you are prosperous". Do you believe Him?

When God says, "I will manifest a literal, physical 3John2, Psalm 103:5 in your life". Do you believe Him?

When God says, "I will open the windows of heaven over your house and pour you out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it". Do you look up, or do you duck?

Me? I say "be it unto me!" and start planning to receive it. The Bible says, the blessing of the Lord makes rich, and He adds NO SORROW with it! Oh .... be it unto me! If I believe Him, and I trust Him in what He says .... be it unto me!

*Confessing Dangerously ..... In my meditation and prayer time with God over the past week, I have drawn some deep, deep water out of a dry well. October 2000, my husband and I were in financial distress with creditors calling constantly, shuffling payments and taking loans to pay loans ..... it was awful and ungodly. I prayed to the Lord about it, and asked Him for the exact amount we needed to get out from under the debt. To which, He answered that I had just prayed the most selfish prayer I had ever prayed. Why? Because I was only looking to my own needs. Then .... He promised me a billion dollars. A promise on which I still stand until it manifests. February 13, 2013, the Lord promised me a literal, physical, restoration. 3 John 2 ..... literally, nothing Spiritual about it. As He is, so am I in this earth .... Right NOW! Then, three weeks ago, He showed me 2 Corinthians 6:2 .... Behold NOW! So, with every NOW moment that passes, my expectation grows! I don't know how He's going to do it, don't know which NOW moment ..... but He IS! I am standing on it, and I am holding Him accountable to it. Like I said, Jesus paid it all. Jesus paid for me to inherit every promise God ever spoke. I did nothing. I can do nothing. Yet, by faith ..... I believe.

Understanding, how boldly I go before the throne of grace and how deeply I question EVERYTHING, you will understand this moment in time for me with Him. I only got as bold as I am AFTER God showed me a little known story about His relationship with Moses .... Moses being His servant, me being His daughter. In Exodus 4:10, Moses is explaining to God he can't speak for Him, because he is slow of speech. In Exodus 32:13-15, Moses spoke to God in such a manner that He repented, not Moses, GOD REPENTED!!!!! Moses reminded Him of His promise to Abraham, and God repented. Does that make Him any less God? Of course not .... all He did was change His mind. It didn't change the out come of the story. Even with David, when Samuel told him his son with Bathsheba was going to die at the Word of God, David fasted; because, he believed God may change His mind. He didn't, but clearly David was aware of the conversation Moses had in Exodus 32. For me, it wasn't about the outcome, it was about the availability to be that bold before the Creator of the Universe ... my dad!

So, yesterday and today, I have been in constant communication with Him over what exactly NOW means to Him. I know what it means to me. It means NOW! and NOW! and NOW! And, in that, I had one of those revelatory AHA moments, where I said .... God, You have to do what You said. If there is anybody who ever existed who has to be true to Your Word ..... it's You.

Simply because He is God ..... and for no other reason ..... He has to keep His Word. He has to do what He said. It's His nature. He says it. He does it. The devil lies. Man lies. God doesn't. God can't. So .... regardless of what it looks like right now, facts change. Truth doesn't, and God is Truth. The desires of my heart were given to me by God. The vision of a new normal was given to me by God. the ability to believe the impossible and expect the supernatural were given to me by God. I did nothing to earn them. They were free, and, by faith, through His grace, they will come to pass NOW!

Dangerously Confessing,


Underselling God

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.

In the grand query of things ... land of the ever running poll place that gallups daily through questions we didn't even know needed to be asked ... by a vast percentage, the majority of Americans believe in God in some form or fashion. I, personally, don't know any other way to explain the majesty and miraculous way in which the universe exists, apart from God, and it is my uneducated opinion that belief in God is the wrong question to ask. I believe in order to gain a more accurate understanding of what the answer about believing in God is trying to get to, the question should more appropriately be worded .... Do you believe God?

Which begs to question .... which God, right? There are soooooo many! How are we ever to know which God is THE God? Well, I, personally, believe in the God of the Bible, and I believe He is the One True God, and there is no other besides Him. Here's why:

                    Christianity of ALL the religions of the world is the ONLY one based on a
                    personal relationship with her God. Christianity of ALL the religions of the
                    world is the ONLY one who worships a resurrected, living Savior and Lord.

The God of the Bible, the God of Creation, when He saw that His people had been led astray, unto death knew we could never save ourselves from the eternal punishment out of Hid Presence, so, in His infinite wisdom and glory, knowing ONLY HE could save us .... did just that. In the man, Jesus Christ, came down to this earth and died in our place to reconcile us unto Himself. Sin separated us from Him, and the penalty for that is death. By definition, a Savior is one who saves. By definition, a martyr is one who dies for his belief. Christ died in His belief that we were worth saving. The thing that makes Him so beautiful is not the shame and ugliness of the cross on which He died, it is the glory and power in His resurrection that assures us that He is Messiah, the Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings. All religions have a martyr, only Christendom has a resurrected Lord of Hosts! That is why I believe IN the God of the Bible, and no other!

It is also why I believe Him. Though written by men, I believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God, breathed by the power of the Holy Ghost into the minds of men, as a written testament for those of us who would come after to know Him and learn from Him. I believe every Word He spoke. I believe every Word that is written. I believe the glossary and concordance! I believe that there is not an issue or circumstance that we face these millenia later that has an answer not found in the Bible. I believe every answer to every question is found within the pages of the Bible. Somewhere between Genesis and Revelation, God has already provided the answer for us, and, for His fore thought and wisdom, I believe we undersell Him at every turn.

Here's what I mean:

Those of us who have received the gift of salvation that Christ provided 2000 years ago, erroneously blame God for everything that ever happens in our lives. Although I could write an entirely separate dissertation on that statement, I'm gonna keep it down to one simple thought. Christians have an ungodly habit of giving God credit when we get sick. We say things like, God made me sick to slow me down or because he knew it was the only way I would rest! We are insane! 1000 years BEFORE Jesus hung on that cross, Isaiah prophesied (Chapter 53) that "by His stripes we are healed".... are healed is in the past perfect tense meaning it was finished BEFORE it happened. The Apostle Peter reaffirmed this in the New Testament by saying "by His stripes we have been healed". Again, it is finished. So, it has to make me wonder why for the sake of ALL that is Holy we would ever think God gave us a sickness or disease when Christ died for us to live in divine health. He bore our sicknesses and infirmities .... ALL OF THEM ..... so we wouldn't have to!!!!! Divine health???? Oh Absolutely!!! In this year of Confessing Dangerously ..... I, as a Child of God, can claim that I will never be sick again! EVER! And .... expect that I will never be sick again! Any sickness or disease that tries to attack me come out of hell, and NOT down from the Father of Lights!!!! Now, you can believe this or not, but we all need to understand that anything evil, hurtful or harmful that tries to attack us does NOT come from God.

In John 10:10, one of my cornerstone verses, Jesus said ..... I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. There is no sickness in that. There is no disease in that. There is no infirmity in that. Jesus did NOT die on that cross to leave us struggling with death, disease, lack or any of thing that prohibits us from an abundant life. God does NOT need to make us sick to get our attention. God is love. God is light. God is our Father. God is our Everything, and we have the right to say that and stand on His Word with earnest expectation, because Jesus died to give us that right.

Settle this in your own hearts, and live in Him exceedingly and abundantly ABOVE the world and all that you can imagine: God is God, and exactly who the Bible says He is. Jesus is Lord, and is exactly who the Bible says He is. God cannot lie. God will not deny Himself. All of the promises in the Bible to Him (Christ in you) is yes and amen. You are, right NOW, the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. God sees you as perfect, right NOW, because He sees you as His child through the perfect work of Christ on Calvary. Live your life in favor, grace, mercy and love .... NOW! There is NOTHING anywhere in the Bible that says you have to wait until you get to heaven to reap the harvest of being a child of God. Actually, it says the opposite!

The manifest presence of the Glory of God! We need nothing more. Lord, let us accept nothing less!

In Jesus Name, For Jesus Fame!


Nothing Else Can Fill It

Thirteen years ago ... November 22, 2000, to be exact ... I had a personal encounter with God that changed everything in my life, and, by everything, I mean every single thing; the way I think, the way I talk, the way I live, the way I AM. I was a ship wreck of Titanical proportions in serious need of a life line. Nothing I was doing was working to change anything, and bad turned to worse with every passing second. Something was missing, and I knew in my heart that something was actually someone ... God. Though I had received Christ as my Savior years before, I was not living my life in such a way that anyone would notice. Yet, the emptiness I knew in my heart I had tried to fill with so many other things could only be filled by Him. Then ... in one single moment of  miraculous "immediately", He showed up and the power of God swept through my life and changed everything.

Today, I find myself sitting in a familiar seat. There is an emptiness that has manifested itself in my life that only He can fill ... again. I suppose this is what the Bible is referring to when it speaks of growing from faith to faith, because, unlike the one from 13 years ago, God created this one. Though, it's not so much of an emptiness this time, as it is a hunger and longing. The feeling is the same. The aim is different. Over these 13 past years, the past 13 months specifically, the Lord has stretched my faith to paper thin, transparent even. From Genesis to Revelation, stretching, stretching, stretching! I have wrestled WITH Him. I have wrestled FOR Him, and, Truth says, I have wrestled AGAINST Him! I make no apologies for any of it. God, and God alone, has walked me across the waters of these past months and currently stands with me over the Mariannas Trench. Only in His Presence is it possible to be frustrated beyond human comprehension and in confident expectation of divine promise at the exact same moment, with fullness in understanding of both emotions.

This part of my walk with Him has been both glorious and infuriating at the exact moment a multitude of times, and, dare I say ..... I have been angrier and more disappointed with God through this period than at any other point with anyone else in my life ..... EVER! I know it, and He knows it. He knows it, because I tell Him. I don't apologize for it, because HE created me this way, He knows the end from the beginning; and, NOTHING I do, or say, comes as a surprise to Him. I am as real with God, as I am with the people I see physically everyday. In return, He is more real with me today than I ever knew was a possibility, so, when I'm angry about something with Him, I tell Him. It makes no sense to me to start a prayer out praising, when He knows I don't mean it. I get to that, but, how I am when I talk to Him is how I am. I'm not going to lie and spout out a bunch of thank you Jesuses when I don't mean it, and I am NOT thankful for some of the things I see and experience. Yes, I am aware that the Bible says be thankful in ALL things, not just the things my finite little mind understands ...... but, I'm sorry ..... I refuse to go to God in deceit. If I'm not happy, or I'm angry, that's the way I go to Him ..... and I STAY there until I'm on the other side of it.

Make no mistake .... there is no disrespect here, no heresy, no lack of reverence .... I am gloriously, and painfully, aware, God is God and I AM NOT! As a matter of truth, precisely in THAT Truth, God is God, that I am the way I am. I AM ... THE WAY ... I AM! He has told His children to come boldly before the throne of grace to receive His help ..... boldly doesn't mean panicked, whining and crying, hopeless and unbelieving. It means BOLDLY! So, in obedience to His OWN Word, that is exactly what I do. I expect for Him to be WHO He says He is. I expect Him to be HOW He says He is. Anything less than Him to be who the Bible says He is ..... unacceptable to me! I expect everyone of the promises He has spoken in His Word to manifest in my life ON THIS EARTH! I expect Divine Angelic Protection every single moment of every single day of my life ON THIS EARTH! I expect miracles! I expect blessings! I expect signs and wonders! I expect visitations and manifestations! I expect to be blessed BY HIM, so that I can be a blessing .... in abundance. I expect His grace to flood my life every single second of every single minute of every single hour until He calls me home to glory (2086) or the rapture, whichever comes first!

I am not diluded. I am not misguided. I am not confused, and I am NOT mistranslating the Bible into something it was never intended to be. God is a God. He is Holy, and He is full of promise. He made His ways known to Moses, so He will make them known to me. he has given me the desires of my heart, and He will absolutely manifest them exceedingly, abundantly above the way I think on them. This is His promise to me as His daughter. I stand on these promises like a ROCK, because He cannot lie, will not deny Himself and, in Jesus' finished work at Calvary, I am a co-heir of all of this. God would NEVER ask me to be obedient to His Word, and not be obedient to it Himself. He knows I live in a sin-filled society, where few actually consider His ways and His will. If I, being the least, can, with my finite understanding, lack of ability and limitations by time and space, simply believe Him ...... He is WELL ABLE to bring to pass the Word He has spoken to me. Exceedingly great and precious promises, specifically designed FOR ME, inside the multitude of promises He has spoken for ALL of His children.

I know His voice. I know Who I believe, and I know where I sit with Him. The windows of heaven are undeniably open over my house, His Kingdom has come and His will is done at 20 Somerset Lane .... EXACTLY as it is in heaven!

In the Prison of Hope,



Every year I start the year with a watch word ..... the word that I intend to focus on and see come to pass. The 2014 watch word is ..... MANIFEST! In my heart, meaning Manna Fest!

I intend to walk so closely with the Lord this year .... starting NOW .... that all promises, visions, blessings, miracles, signs, wonders and visitations Christ died for me to have and promised in His Word are going to manifest themselves constantly and continually in my life!!!!!!

Happy New Year World!!!! The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine on you and gracious to you. The Lord lift you up in His countenance and give you, His beloved, His peace!

Pressing In,
